Who We Are

About Us

Just Say Wynn, Inc. is a nationally certified hood cleaning company specializing in commercial vent hood cleaning and commercial kitchen cleaning services for over 14 years now. We clean any commercial vent hood system to include, but not limited to colleges, restaurants and healthcare facilities. Our services are performed at the customer’s convenience day and night. All work is done in compliance with standards set forth by NFPA 96 as well as local and state codes. We currently serve cities across Georgia and Alabama.

(706) 681-7751

What We Do

Commercial Vent Hood Cleaning Services



A high pressure/heat cleaning of all duct work from roof down, all fans, filters, fire suppression links, pipes and nozzles



Contain grease and water and protect all exposed items in work area. Leave area cleaner than it was found.


Document & Report

Provide before and after pictures so the customer knows exactly how the system was found and how we left it.

Why We Do What We Do

Professionalism for Quality Performance

Proper and regular cleaning should be the normal practice for any entity operating a commercial vent hood system in order to maintain the health and safety of the establishment as well as its employees and occupants. Grease is highly flammable in all forms and easily ignited. If vent hood systems are not properly and consistently cleaned according to code it can result in fire and therefore potential damage of property, major loss of revenue and significant injury to staff or patrons.

Commercial vent hoods should be cleaned, properly maintained and regularly inspected in compliance with NFPA 96. NFPA 96 is a set of codes and standards for ventilation control and fire protection of commercial cooking. These are the standards followed by fire marshals and insurance inspectors. The NFPA 96 sets forth the following guidelines for cleaning frequency:
*Some of our customers choose to clean their systems monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly and semi-annually based on usage. Furthermore, the cleaning should be performed by a company that has been sufficiently trained and certified as per NFPA 96; 11.4 Cleaning of Exhaust Systems Upon inspection, if found to be contaminated with deposits from grease-laden vapors, the entire exhaust system shall be cleaned by a properly trained, qualified, and certified company or person (s) acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction in accordance with Section 11.3
Additional Services
As our company has grown we have expanded to include additional kitchen cleaning services with a special emphasis on commercial kitchen cleaning. Some of our additional services include the following:

(706) 681-7751

Featured Customers
Some of our recent clients
Our Work
Contact Us
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Steve Wynn


(706) 681-7751